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Retrouvez ici une selection d'assises de créateurs des années 50 aux années 70 avec notamment des pièces de Xavier Féal, A.R.P (Atelier de recherche plastique), Mathieu Matégot, Joseph André Motte...

Pair of
8 seats by Bertrand Dardenne
Canapé danois 1960 tissu Kvadrat
Gérard Gallet sofa
2 seat sofa by Guy Besnard
Modular sofa by Genevieve Dangles and Christian Defrance.
chair by Erik Lehmann Hansen
chair by Jean Dudon
Chaise en Carton Laqué de Jean-Louis Avril
Methacrylate chair by Xavier-Féal
Robert Pansart long chair.
Chauffeuse de François Français.
Ensemble 'Elliptique' de Bernard Govin
Set of seats and tables by Bernard Govin
Set of 8 chairs by Jean-Raymond Picard
set of setas / tables by Lionel Morgaine
Dining set by Jean-Pierre Laporte
Fauteuil 'Anthony' de Raoul Guys
Fauteuil 'elephant' de Bernard Rancillac.
Fauteuil 'mushroom' et ottoman de Pierre Paulin.
Fauteuil 'Relaxe Boule' de Charles Zublena
‘Manille Écorcé’ armchair and coffee table by Bernard Govin
Tripod armchair by Inox Industrie
Fauteuils 'oscillant' de Charles Zublena
Roger Landault armchairs.
Pair of
Jean-Michel Chaudeurge pair of fireside chairs.
Pair of Joseph André Motte fireside chairs.
Pair of ‘Lago’ armchairs by Marc Held
Paire de fauteuil 'Diabolo' de Bernard Govin
Pair of
Pair of armchairs by Bernard Brunier
pair of armchairs by Joseph-André Motte
Pair of armchairs by Xavier-Feal
Pair of ‘Emmanuelle’ Armchairs by E. Noirot and E. Torck
Stools by Philippe Cheverny
Rare sofa by Franca Helg
rare long chair by Lionel Morgaine
Rare armchair by Louis Paolozzi
Rare pair of Corb chairs by ARP
Salon 'Mars' de Pierre Guariche.
Set sofas et coffee table by Galerie Maison et Jardin.
Siege 'Pratone' de Ceretti, Derossi et Rosso.
Sièges 'Capitello' + 'Attica' de Studio 65
Très rare chaise de A.R.P. Atelier de Recherche Plastique